Hello everyone!

Let's pose for the cameras!
I love my hairstyle.
It increased my height for another, hmm... 2 inches?
Thanks Jenny from Monsoon!
Designer/ Stylist: Miss Annie Chua
Beautiful Paige
Seductive Kola
Love's in the air
Can you see that Zzen is tip-toeing?
Jessica, Paige, Joey and Me
Nat Nat
Mentor Mummy
The Star Search 2007 peeps
Rebecca Lim and Jade Seah
Aunty Lucy? Where's 五福?
There! Here he is! 全家福!
Our friends from Taiwan and Shanghai
Maximizing our time by cam-whoring before red carpet
We tried to act cool but not nice... Smiling is the best!
Congrats 铭顺大哥!:)
We sashayed down the red carpet together.
Forever looking young Ben Yeo
The 2 Men in black
Getting ready for the red carpet
Yuan Shuai: You are not supposed to look into my cam!
Why so serious?
All waiting for our Mercedes
I like her hairstyle! Cool~!
Thanks Yuan Shuai.
I realized that the dress is beautiful from behind too!
Credits to Yuan Shuai again.
He says this looks like cover picture... Umm...
I'm part of RBKD. =)
Hoping that one day, I could have their acting skills...
During commercial break
The ceiling is nice
败犬女王 and 王绍伟
Post Party
i love the feel of this photo... Like fairy tale...
That's all for Star Awards 2010!