1900-112-8888 ($5)
1900-112-8889 ($15)
6745-1110 ($30 and above)
24 Jan 2010, 7.30pm.
We always have endless complaints about trivial things.
Like "Why there's no air con?"
"Why I don't have this and that?"
"Why the food taste so awful?"
And all the "Whats", "Hows", "Wheres"
Somehow, we've neglected the fact that there are many less fortunate people around us.
Some could not even afford to have three meals.
Some are "unwanted".
Some are struggling to survive dreadful illnesses.
We can't imagine the kind of pain they are going through.
But we can help them by donating within our own abilities.
Shouldn't we spread the love to our own mankind?